Author/s: Gilbertson M. 2000.

Title: Living with Great Lakes chemicals: Complementary strategies and cross-paradigm reconciliation.

Journal: ECOSYSTEM HEALTH, 6(1): 24-38.

Abstract: The exposure of Great Lakes populations of fish, wildlife, and humans to pe rsistent toxic substances has resulted in injury, particularly related to r eproductive and developmental processes. The Great Lakes Water Quality Agre ement of 1978 is a binational instrument designed by the governments of the United States and Canada to respond to this injury through the development and implementation of common water quality objectives, cooperative regulat ory programs, and other measures. The implementation of the Great Lakes Wa ter Quality Agreement has entered a critical phase because the ambiguously drafted purpose is interpreted differently by toxicologists and ecologists with consequent misunderstandings in preparing Remedial Action Plans and La kewide Management Plans, selecting indicators of restoration, and selecting critical pollutants. With shrinking budgets, agencies cannot afford such m isunderstandings when injury to health and property continues unabated.

Address: Gilbertson, M Int Joint Commiss, 8th Floor,100 Ouellette Ave, Windsor, ON N9A 6T3, Canada Int Joint Commiss 8th Floor,100 Ouellette Ave Windsor ON Canada N9A 6T3


Page created on 06/03/2001
S. Volponi