WI - Cormorant Research Group | Past meetings & proceedings | updated on 12-01-2005 |
Waterbirds 19 |
D. N. NETTLESHIP and D. C. DUFFY Cormorants and Human Interactions: An Introduction. |
3-6 |
J.J. HATCH Changing Populations of Double-crested Cormorants. |
8-24 |
D. C. DUFFY Why is theDouble-crested Cormorant a problem? Insights from Cormorant Ecology and Human Sociology. |
25-32 |
L M. PRICE and J. G. NICKUM Aquaculture and Birds: The Context for Controversy. |
33-45 |
D. V WESELOH, P J. EWINS, J. STRUGER, P. MINEAU, C. A. BISHOP, S. POSTUPALSKY and J. .P LUDWIG Double-crested Cormorants of the Great Lakes: Changes in Population Size, Breeding Distribution and Reproductive Output between 1913 and 1991. |
48-59 |
J. P LUDWIG, H. J. AUMAN, D. V WESELOH, G. A. FOX,J. P GIESY and M. E. LUDWIG Evaluation of the Effects of Toxic Chemicals in Great Lakes Cormorants: Has Causality been Established? |
60-69 |
G. CHAPDELAINE and J. BÉDARD Recent Changes in the Abundance and Distribution of the Double-crested Cormorant in the St. Lawrence River, Estuary and Gulf, Québec, 1978-1990. |
70-77 |
J. BÉDARD, A. NADEAU and M. LEPAGE Double-crested Cormorant Culling in the St. Lawrence River Estuary. |
78-85 |
J. BÉDARD, A. NADEAU and M. LEPAGE Double-crested Cormorant Morphometry and Field Sexing in the St. Lawrence River Estuary. |
89-90 |
G. R. MILTON, P. J. AUSTIN-SMITH and G. J. FARMER Shouting at Shags: A Case Study of Cormorant Management in Nova Scotia. |
91-98 |
W. B. KROHN, R. B. ALLEN, J. R. MORING and A. E. HUTCHINSON Double-crested Cormorants in New England: Population and Management Histories. |
99-109 |
K. E. BRUGGER Double-crested Cormorants and Fisheries in Florida. |
110-117 |
J. A. JACKSON and B. J. S. JACKSON The Double-crested Cormorant in the South-Central United States: Habitat and Population Changes of a Feathered Pariah. |
118-130 |
E. M. KIRSCH Double-crested Cormorants along the Upper Mississippi River |
131-136 |
J. E. GLAHN and A. R. STICKLEY Wintering Double-crested Cormorants in the Delta Region of Mississippi: Population Levels and their Impact on the Catfish Industry. |
137-142 |
A. R. ADERMAN and E. P HILL Locations and Numbers of Double-crested Cormorants Using Winter Roosts in the Delta Region of Mississippi |
143-151 |
D. T. KING, J. E. GLAHN and K. J. ANDREWS Daily Activity Budgets and Movements of Winter-roosting Double-crested Cormorants Determined by Biotelemetry in the Delta Region of Mississippi. |
152-157 |
J. E. GLAHN, P. J. DIXSON, G. A. LITTAUER and R. B. McCOY Food Habits of Double-crested Cormorants Wintering in the Delta Region of Mississippi. |
158-167 |
J. E. GLAHN and K. E. BRUGGER The Impact of Double-crested Cormorants on the Mississippi Delta Catfish Industry: A Bioenergetics Model. |
168-175 |
D. F. MOTT and E. L. BOYD A Review of Techniques for Preventing Cormorant Depredations at Aquaculture Facilities in the Southeastern United States. |
176-180 |
B. C. THOMPSON, J. J. CAMPO and R. C. TELFAIR Origin, Population Attributes, and Management Conflict Resolution for Double-crested Cormorants Wintering in Texas. |
181-188 |
H. R. CARTER, A. L. SOWIS, M. S. RODWAY, U. W. WILSON, R. W. LOWE, G. J. McCHESNEY, E. GRESS and D. W. ANDERSON Population Size, Trends, and Conservation Problems of the Double-crested Cormorant on the Pacific Coast of North America. |
189-215 |
L. E. STENZEL, H. R. CARTER, R. P. HENDERSON, S. D. EMSLIE, M. J. RAUZON, C. W. PAGE and P. Y. O'BRIEN Breeding Success of Double-crested Cormorants in the San Francisco Bay Area, California. |
216-224 |
J. L. TRAPP, T. J. DWYER, J. J. DOGGETT and J. G. NICKUM Management Responsibilities and Policies for Cormorants: United States Fish and Wildlife Service. |
226-230 |
B. R. ACORD Cormorant Management and Responsibilities: United States Department of Agriculture. |
213-233 |
J. A. KEITH Management Policies for Cormorants in Canada |
234-237 |
M. ERWIN The Ecology of Cormorants: Some Research Needs and Recommendations. |
240-246 |
L C. T. NISBET Biology, Conservation and Management of the Double-crested Cormorant: Symposium Summary and Overview. |
247-252 |
D. N. NETTLESHIP and D. C. DUFFY Epilogue: Cormorants, Humans and the Symposium Process. |
255-256 |