WI - Cormorant Research Group Researchers' directory updated on 19-01-2005

General information

Name Mr. Greg Dobbin
Organisation Pathology Lab
Atlantic Veterinary College, U.P.E.I.
550 University Ave.
Canada, C1A 4P3
Email greg.dobbin@gmail.com
Telephone 902-566-0744
Fax 902-566-0851


Interested in cormorants as
X Professional
Species of specific expertise
X Double-crested cormorant (P. auritus)
Fields of interests
X Pathology of cormorant disease
X Bacterial disease

Current activity

1 Cormorant research at Atlantic Veterinary College
2 Survey of bacterial flora of Double-crested cormorants
3 Carrier status of certain pathogenic bacteria in Double-crested cormorants