WI - Cormorant Research Group Researchers' directory updated on 16-08-2004

General information

Name Richard Johnston
Organisation CALIDRIS - Association for study and conservation of waterbirds on Colombia
Mail address Carrera 24F Oeste, Nro.3-25, Barrio Tejares de San Fernando Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia
Email rjohnston@telesat.com.co
Website www.calidris.org.co
Telephone 57 (2) 6812853
Fax 57 (2) 6812853


Interested in cormorants as
X Professional
Species of specific expertise
X Neotropical cormorants
Fields of interests
X Counting & Censusing
X Breeding ecology
X Habitat Management
X Conservation & Management
X Population harvesting & control

Current activity

1 Distribution and bundance of Neotropical cormorants in South Pacific Colombia
2 Hunting pressure and habitat loss of Neotropical cormorants at Sanquianga National Park