WI - Cormorant Research Group Researchers' directory updated on 20-09-2002

General information

Name Arhur King
Organisation Otco Bird Netting
Mail address Box 207 Rozelle, Sydney, NSW 2039, AUSTRALIA
Email king@otcobirdnet.com
Website www.otcobirdnet.com
Telephone 61.2.9660.6845
Fax 61.2.9518.8372


Interested in cormorants as
X Professional
Species of specific expertise
X None
X Cormorants (Phalacrocoracidae)
X Great cormorant (P. carbo)
X Pygmy cormorant (P. pygmeus)
X European shag (P. aristotelis)
X Double-crested cormorant (P. auritus)
Fields of interests
X Behaviour
X Breeding ecology
X Movements & Migration
X Population dynamics

Current activity

1 Production of nets to protect fish-farms from bird predation