Colour-ring styles
Great cormorant
Pygmy cormorant
European shag
Double-crested cormorant
     Other cormorant species
Mysterious ringed cormorants
Solved mysteries cormorants
Wetlands International Cormorant Research Group http://cormorants.freehostia.com/index.htm

Cormorants live in a wide range of inland and coastal wetlands all over Europe: their breeding grounds range from the western Atlantic and Baltic areas till northern Italy and eastern Europe. Flyways to prime wintering areas in central Europe and the Mediterranean basin cross all Europe, so Great cormorants may be observed almost everywhere.

To study post-breeding dispersion, migratory and stop-over patterns, individual survival, and many other aspects of cormorant ecology each breeding season hundreds of nestlings are colour-ringed in many colonies in almost all European countries.

In order to avoid overlapping of colour-ringing schemes, the Cormorant Research Study Group coordinates colour-ringing projects in Europe.

If you see a cormorants wearing a colored leg ring, please note and report:
- exact location (and possibly provide coordinates looking for example at Google Maps or Google Earth),
- date,
- colour ring and metal ring position (right or left tarsus),
- colour(s) of the ring and of the code inscription
- code (combination of numbers / letters / bar) and direction of reading *upwards / downwards).

Please report information to the
coordinators for all European colour-ring projects

Stef van Rijn - stef @ deltamilieu.nl
Stefano Volponi stefano.volponi @ isprambiente.it

you will receive
a full and detailed life history of the bird you observed