WI - Cormorant Research Group | Scientific literature | Last updated on 01-08-2002 |
1881-1997 (... 2001)
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Dr. Jevgeni Shergalin
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Pleske, F.D. 1896. Kosti Phalacrocorax perspicillatus [Bones of Phalacrocorax perspicillatus]. // Ezhegodnik Zool. muzeya Akad. nauk [Annual Report of Zool. Museum of Acad. of Sciences], vol.1, N1-2, p.X.
Stejneger, L., Lucas, F.A. 1890. Contributions to the natural history of the Commander Islands. A. Contributions to the history of Pallas' cormorant. // Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., vol.12, p.83-94; 3 pl. In Engl.
Lucas, F.A. 1896. Contributions to the natural history of the Commander Islands. XI. The cranium of Pallas's cormorant. // Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., vol.18, p.717-719; 2 pl. In Engl.
Partanskiy, N. 1907. Baklany v Kurskoi gubernii [Cormorants in the Kursk Province]. // Psovaya i ruzheinaya okhota [The gun hunting and hunting with hounds], Tula, book 1, p.9.
Linnaniemi, W.M. 1911. Phalacrocorax carbo L. pesinyt Laatokan rantamilla. // Medd. Soc. fauna et flora Fenn., h.37, s.53-57. In Finnish. Summary in German.
Zarudnyi, N.A. 1911. Zametka o Graculus pelagicus Pall. [Note on Graculus pelagicus Pall.] // Ornitologicheskiy vestnik [Ornithological Bulletin], N1, p.18.
Grave, G.L. 1912. Phalacrocorax carbo Linn. v Smolenskoi gubernii [Phalacrocorax carbo Linn. in the Smolensk Province]. // Ornitologicheskiy vestnik [Ornithological Bulletin], N1, p.57.
Brauner, A.A. 1914. O gnezdovanii khokhlatogo baklana v Krymu [On the European Shag nesting in the Crimea]. // Ornitologicheskiy vestnik [Ornithological Bulletin], N3, p.227.
Mlokosevich, Yu. 1914. Baklan i vozmozhnaya ego utilizatsiya [Cormorant and its possible utilization]. // Kavk. pchelovodstvo i ptitsevodstvo [Caucasian bee-keeping and poultry keeping], N7, p.166-167.
Molchanov, L.A. 1915. O gnezdovanii khokhlatogo baklana (Phalacrocorax graculus L.) na yuzhnom beregu Kryma [On the European Shag breeding (Phalacrocorax graculus L.) on the southern coast of the Crimea]. // Ornitologicheskiy vestnik [Ornithological bulletin]. N1, P.81.
Palmgren, R. 1917. Storskarfven, Phalacrocorax carbo (L.), hackande i Finland. // Medd. Soc. fauna et flora Fenn., h.43, s.9-13, ill. In Swedish with German summary.
Tisarevskiy, S. 1929. Baklany na Lubenshchyni [Cormorants on Lyubenshchina]. // Ukr. myslyvets' ta rybalka [Ukrainina Hunter and Fisherman], N8, p.19-20. In Ukrainian.
Grote, H. 1930. Zur Verbreitung von Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmarestii (Payr). // Ornithol. Monatsb., Jg.38, H2, S.52-53.
Valkh, B.S. /Valokh/ 1930. K voprosu o znachenii bolshogo baklana v rybnom khozyaistve Azovskogo morya [On question about significance of the Great Cormorant in the fishing industry of the Azov Sea]. // Ukr. myslyvets ta rybalka [Ukrainian Hunter and Fisherman], N11/12, p.39-42.
Sushkina, A.P. 1932. Nekotorye dannye po biologii baklana v svyazi s ego vredom dlya rybnogo khozyaistva [Some data on the Cormorant biology in connection with its damage for fishing industry]. Astrakhan, Gos. Zapovednik [Nature Reserve]. 31 p. with ill. (Trudy Astrakh. zapovednika [Proc. of the Astrakhan Nature Rserve). Bibliogr.: p.31.
Kolesnikov, I.I. 1934. Adaptivnye priznaki v stroenii baklana [Adaptive features in the Cormorant's anatomy]. // Voprosy ekologii i biocenologii [Problems of ecology and biocoenology]. /Issue 1/, p.138-167. Bibliogr.: p.166. Summary in English.
Dyunin, A.G. 1936. Baklan v delte Volgi [Cormorant in the Volga River delta]. // Nauch. tr. goszapovednikov [Proceedings of State Nature Reserves]. Ser.1. Astrakh. zapovednik [Astrakhan Nature Reserve], issue 1, p.66-95. Bibliogr.: p.78. Summary in French.
Stegmann, B. 1936. Uber das Flugvermoegen der ausgestorbenen Scharbe Phalacrocorax perspicillatus Pall. // Ornithol Monatsb., Jg.44, N5, S.140-153. In German.
Moshkov, A. 1941. Promysel baklana [Trade (business) with Cormorants]. // Sovetskiy okhotnik [Soviet Soldier], N5, p.26-28.
Voitkevich, A.A. 1943. Rost i differentsirovka tireoidektomirovannykh ptentsov Phalacrocorax carbo L. i Pelecanus onocrotalus L. [Growth and differentiation of thyreodectomianated chicks of Phalacrocoarx carbo L. and Pelecanus onocrotalus L.] // Byull. eksperim. biol. i med. [Bull. of experimental biology and medicine], vol.16, issue 6, p.21-24.
Kleinenberg, S.Ye. 1946. Pelikany i baklany na rybnoi lovle [Pelicans and Cormorants during fishing]. // Priroda [Nature]. N7. P.92.
Tugarinov, A.Ya. 1947. Veslonogie [Pelecaniformes]. // Fauna SSSR [Fauna of the USSR]. Novaya ser. [New ser.]; N33. Ptitsy [Birds], vol.1, part 3. 125-188. Moscow / Leningrad.
Turov, S.S. 1947. Zhizn ptits [Life of birds]. M., Goskult'prosvetizdat. 88 p.: ill.
Pakhul'skiy, A.I. 1951. Ryboyadnye ptitsy yuzxhnykh morei SSSR i ikh vred [Fish-eating birds of southern seas of the USSR and their damage]. M. 94 p. (Materialy k poznaniyu fauny i flory SSSR, izd. Mosk. o-vom ispyt. Prirody [Mater. on study of fauna and flora of the USSR, publ. by Moscow Natural. Soc.], New ser. Dept. zool.; Issue 30 (45)).
Sudilovskaya, A.M. 1951. Otryad veslonogie [Pelecaniformes order]. // Ptitsy Sovetskogo Soyuza [Birds of the Soviet Union]. Vol.1. Moscow. Sovetskaya Nauka. 48-52.
Kaftanovskiy, Yu.M. 1953. Mekotorye voprosy ekologii baklana v del'te Volgi i organizatsiya bor'by s nim [Some questions of Cormorant ecology in the Volga delta and organization of fight with it]. // Preobrazovanie fauny pozvonochnykh nashei strany [Transformation of vertebrate fauna of our country]. M. P.37-45.
Oganesov, A.K. 1954. Bolshoi baklan v Kyzyl-Agachskom zapovednike [Gibel v setyakh] [The Great Cormorant in the Kyzyl-Agach Nature Reserve [death in nets]]. // Priroda [Nature]. N12. P.114.
Dinesman, L.G. 1955. Khozyaistvennoe znachenie bolshogo baklana v del'te Volgi [Practical significance of the Great Cormorant in the Volga River delta] // Byull. MOIP [Bull. of Moscow Naturalist's Soc.]. Nov. ser. [New series] Otd. biol. [Dept. biol.]. Vol.60, issue 1. P.43-46.
Skokova, N.N. 1955. Pitanie bolshogo baklana v del'te Volgi [The Great Cormorant feeding in the Volga delta]. // Voprosy ikhtiologii [Problems of ichtyology]. Issue 5. P.170-185: graf.
Gladkov, N.A. 1957. Gnezdovoe razmeshchenie i migratsii bolshogo baklana na Kaspijskom i Aralskom moryakh [The nesting distribution and migrations of the Great Cormorant on the Caspian and Aral Seas]. // Trudy Vtoroi Pribalt. ornitol. konf. [Proc. of the second Eastern-Baltic Orn. Conf.]. M. P.90-99: ill.
Nazarenko, L.F., Yuzefik, M.F. 1957. Gnizdovannya malogo baklana (Phalacrocorax pygmaeus Pall.) na Dnistri: (Materialy do ornitofauny Nizhnogo Dnistra) [Breeding of the Pygmy Cormorant (Phalacrocorax pygmaeus Pall.) on the Dniester River: (Materials on ornithofauna of the Lower Dinester River)]. // Pratsi Odes. un-tu [Proc. Odessa Univ.]. Vol.147. Ser. biol nauk [Ser. biol. sc.]. Issue 8. P.207-208. In Ukrainian.
Pakhul'skiy, A.I. 1957. Rol' ptits v rybnom khozyaistve [Role of birds in fishing industry]. M. Pishchepromizdat. 43 p.
Kurochkin, Ye.N. 1958. Baklany [Cormorants]. // Mosk. zoopark [Moscow Zoo]. Issue 2. P.79-83: ill.
Potapov, R.L. 1959. Zimovki baklanov v Yuzhnom Tadzhikistane i ikh khozyaistvennoe znachenie [Wintering Cormorants in Southern Tadjikistan and its practical importance]. // Dokl. AN Tadzh.SSR [Reports of Ac. of Sc. of the Tadjik SSR], vol.2, N5. P.49-52.
Smogorzhevskiy, L.O. 1959. Ryboyadni ptakhy Ukrainy. Poshirennya, zhyvlennya ta gospodars'ke znachennya [Fish-eating birds of Ukraina. Feeding and practical significance]. Kiev, Kiev Univ. press. 122 p.: ill. In Ukrainian.
Markov, V.I. 1960. O sovremennom rasprostranenii i chislennosti nekotorykh vidov ryboyadnykh ptits [On modern distribution and numbers of some species of the fish-eating birds]. // Okhrana prirody i ozelenenie [Nature conservation and planting of greenery]. Birds of wetlands. Moscow. 4:103-105.
Skokova, N.N. 1960. O sezonnom razmeshchenii i migratsiyakh bolshogo baklana na Kaspiyskom more [On seasonal distribution and migrations of the Great Cormorant on the Caspian Sea]. // Migratsii zhivotnykh [Migrations of Animals]. Issue 2. P.76-99: ill., maps.
Zaletaev, V.S. 1960. Materialy po biologii ryboyadnykh ptits vostochnogho i severo-vostochnogo Kaspiya [Materials on biology of fish-eating birds of eastern and north-eastern Caspian Sea]. // Okhrana prirody i ozelenenie [Nature Conservation and Greenery]. Issue 4. P.11-44: maps.
Skokova, N.N. 1962. O kolichestvennom izuchenii pitaniya ptits-ikhtiofagov [On the quantitative study of the feeding of birds-ichryophages]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. Issue 4. P.288-296: ill.
Kenzhegulov, K. 1964. K ekologii bolshogo baklana v del'te Amu-Dar'i i na Aral'skom more [On the Great Cormorant ecology in the Amu-Daria delta and in the Aral Sea]. // Vestnik Karakalp. fil. AN UzSSR [Bulletin of Karakalpak Branch of Ac. of Sc. of Uzbek SSR]. N4 (18). P.55-60.
Khokhlov, A.N., Bicherev, A.P. 1986. Novoe mesto gnezdovaniya i zimovki bolshogo baklana v SSSR [New place of nesting and wintering of the Great Cormorant in the USSR]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. No21. P.143.
Eminov, A. 1965. O gnezdovanii bolshogo baklana v Turkmenii [On the Great Cormorant nesting in Turkmenia] // Izv. AN TSSR [Proc. of Ac. of Sc. of the Turkmenian SSR]. Ser. biol. nauk [Series of biol. sciences]. N3. P.86-88.
Gladkov, N.A. 1965. Ryboyadnye ptitsy i ikh vozmozhnoe rybokhozyaistvennoe znachenie [Fish-eating birds and their probable significance in fishing industry]. // Ryboyadnye ptitsy i ikh znachenie v rybnom khozyaistve [Fish-eating birds and their significance in fishing industry]. M. 9-15.
Grekov, V.S. 1965. Materialy po veslonogim, kulikam i pastushkam Kyzyl-Agachskogo goszapovednika [Materials on Pelecaniformes, Waders and Rallidaes]. // Trudy zapovednikov Azerbaidzhana [Proc. of Nature Reserves of Azerbaijan]. Issue 1. P.80-113.
Kenzhegulov, K. 1965. O chislennosti i khozyaistvennom znachenii veslonogikh ptits v nizov'yakh del'ty Amu-Dar'i [On numbers and practical significance of Pelecaniformes birds in lower parts of the Amu Daria river delta]. // Vestnik Karakalpak. fil. AN AzSSR [Bullet. of Karakalpak. Branch of the UzSSR Ac Sc.]. N3(21). P.49-51.
Kenzhegulov, K. 1965. O gnezdovanii kvakvy, kolpitsy i malogo baklana na ozere Karakhozhabakh [delta Amu-Dar'i] [On breeding of the Night Heron, Spoonbill and Pygmy Cormorant on the Karakhozhabakh Lake]. // Vestnik Karakalpak. fil. AN AzSSR [Bull. of the Karakalpak Branch of Ac. of Sc. of the Az SSR]. N2 (20). P.78-80.
Markov, V.I. 1965. Zametki o pelikanakh i baklanakh Aral'skogo morya [Notes on pelicans and cormorants of the Aral Sea]. // Ryboyadnye ptitsy i ikh znachenie v rybnom khozyaistve [Fish-eating birds and their significance in the fishing industry]. M., Nauka. 156-165: map.
Mustafaev, G.T., Kyazimov, K.D. 1965. Zhizn' gnezdovoi kolonii rybouyadnykh ptits v Kyzyl-Agachskom zapovednike [Life of the nesting colony of fish-eating birds at the Kyzyl-Agach Nature Reserve] // Uchenye zapiski [Scientific Notes] / Azerb. un-t [Azeri University]. Ser. biol. nauk [Ser. of biol. sciences]. N2. P.31-35.
Skokova, N.N. 1965. O kharaktere vozdeistviya bolshogo baklana i golenastykh ptits na faunu vodoemov delty Volgi i ikh khozyaistvennoe znachenie [On character of influence of the Great Cormorant and Ciconiiformes birds on fauna of wetlands of the Volga delta and their practical importance]. // Ryboyadnye ptitsy i ikh znachenie v rybnom khozyaistve [Fish-eating birds and their significance in the fishing industry]. M. P.55-70: ill.
Tuaev, D.G., Vasil'yev, V.I., Magerramov, Ch.M. 1965. Novye dannye po pitaniyu bolshogo baklana v usloviyakh yugo-zapadnogo poberezh'ya Kaspiya [New data on the Great Cormorant feeding in conditions of the south-western shore of the Caspian sea]. // Uchen. zap. [Scient. Notes] // Azerb. un-t. Ser. biol. nauk [Azeri University. Series of biol. sc.]. N2. P.103-108: ill.
Mustafaev, G.T., Kyazimov, K.D. 1966. Rezul'taty statisticheskogo izucheniya ekologii ryboyadnykh ptits na yugo-zapadnom Kaspii [Results of the statistical study of ecology of the fish-eating birds in the south-western Caspian Sea]. // Uchen. zap. [Scient. Notes] / Azerb. un-t [Azerb. Univ.]. Ser. biol. nauk [Series of biol. sc.]. N1. P.27-32.
Lomadze, N.Kh. 1967. Bolshoi baklan v Vostochnom Priazov'ye [The Great Cormorant in the Eastern Cis-Azov Sea area]. // Priroda Severnogo Kavkaza i eyo okhrana [Nature of Northern Caucasus and its conservation]: Tez. dokl. konf. [Abstracts of conference], Nalchik. P.119-120.
Mustafaev, G.T., Kyazimov, K.D., Abbasov, G.S. 1967. Pitanie gnezdovykh ptentsov golenastykh i veslonogikh ptits v Kyzylagachskom zapovednike [Feeding of nesting chicks of Ciconiiformes and Pelecaniformes in Kyzyl-Agach Nature Reserve]. // Izv. AN AzSSR. Ser. biol. nauk [Proc. of Ac. Sc. of the AzSSR. Ser. biol. sc.]. 5: 49-54.
Ardamatskaya, T.B. 1968. Materialy po biologii bolshogo baklana [Materials on the Great Cormorant biology]. // Materialy nauchnoi sessii, posvyashchennoi 50-letiyu Astrakhanskogo gosudarstvennogo zapovednika [Materials of scientific session, dedicated to the 50-year anniversary of the Astrakhan State Nature Reserve]. // Astrakh. zapovednik [Astrakhan Nature Reserve]. Astrakhan. P.176-177.
Gents, K. 1968. O nekotorykh formakh gnezdovogo povedeniya bolshogo baklana [On some forms of the nesting behaviour of the Great Cormorant]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. Issue 9. P.282-288: ill.
Nechaev, V.A., Yudakov, A.G. 1968. O gnezdovanii morskikh ptits na ostrovakh zaliva Petra Velikogo (Yuzhnoe Primor'ye) [On the sea bird nesting on islands of the Gulf of the Peter of the Great] // Izv. Sib. otd-niya AN SSSR [Proc. of Siberian Branch of Ac. of Sc. of the USSR]. N15 (150). Ser. biol.-med. nauk [Series of biol.-med. sciences]. Issue 3. P.93-97: ill. Leont'yev, A.N. 1968 (1969). Gnezdovaya koloniya chaek i baklanov na Toreiskikh ozerakh [The nesting colony of Gulls and Cormorants in Torei Lakes]. // Izv. Zabaikal. fil. Geogr. o-va SSSR [Proc. of Trans-Baikal Branch of Geogr. Soc. of the USSR]. Vol.4. Issue 6. P.79-80.
Popova, M.F. 1968. Mio-osteologicheskie osobennosti sheinogo otdela pozvonochnika nekotorykh veslonogikh ptits [Mio-ostheological peculiarities of the neck department of vertebra in some Pelecaniformes birds]. file://Tret'ya zool. konferentsiya Belorusskoi SSR, Tez. dokl. [The Third Zool. Conf. of the Byelorussian SSR, Abstracts] / AN BSSR. Otdel zoologii i parazitologii [Ac. of Sc. of Byel. SSR. Dept. of Zool. and Parasithol.]. Minsk. P.68-70.
Sapetin, Ya.V. 1968. Materialy po kol'tsevaniyu rozovogo pelikana i malogo baklana v del'te Tereka [Materials on the ringing of the White Pelican and Pygmy Cormorant]. // Migratsii zhivotnykh [Migrations of Animals]. Issue 5. P.113-115.
Tuaev, D.G., Vasil'yev, V.I. 1969. Sovremennoe rasprostranenie i chislennost bolshogo baklana v Azerbaidzhane i ego khozyaistvennoe znachenie [The modern distribution and numbers of the Great Cormorant in Azerbaidzhan and its practical significance]. // Izv. AN AzSSR. Ser. biol. nauk [Proc. of Ac. of Sc. of the Azerb. SSR. Series of biol. sc.]. N3. P.39-46: ill, map.
Kishchinskiy, A.A. 1978. Migratsii baklanov i pelikanov [Migrations of cormorants and pelicans]. // Migratsii ptits Vostochnoi Evropy i Severnoi Azii. Gagaroobraznye-aistoobraznye [Migrations of birds of Eastern Europe and Northern Asia. Orders Gaviiformes-Ciconiiformes]. M., Nauka. 270 p.
Krivenko, V.G. 1983. Malyi baklan [The Pygmy Cormorant]. file://Krasnaya kniga RSFSR [Red Data Book of the RSFSR]. M., "Rossel'khozizdat" Publishers. Vol.1. Zhivotnye [Animals]. 160-161. Bibl. 5.
Kunichenko, A.A. 1986. Izmenenie v povedenii pelikanov i baklanov pod vozdeistviem antropogennogo faktora [Change in behaviour of Pelicans and Cormorants under influence of anthropogenous factor]. // Izuchenie ptits SSSR, ikh okhrana i ratsional'noe ispol'zovanie [The study of birds of the USSR, their protection and rational use]. L. Part 1. Pp.346-347.
Kazakov, B.A., Lomadze, N.Kh., Belik, V.P., Bicherev, A.P., Emtyl, M.Kh., Pishvanov, Yu.V., Farafontov, A.V. 1988. Malyi baklan na Severnom Kavkaze [The Pygmy Cormorant in Northern Caucasia]. // Resursy redkikh zhivotnykh RSFSR, ikh okhrana i vosproizvodstvo [Resources of rare animals of the RSFSR, their conservation and reproduction. Materials for Red Data Book]. M. P.55.
Pishvanov, Yu.V., Prilutskaya, L.I. 1988. Malyi baklan v Dagestane [The Pigmy Cormorant in Daghestan]. // Resursy redkikh zhivotnykh RSFSR, ikh okhrana i vosproizvodstvo (Materialy k Krasnoi knige RSFSR) [Resources of rare animals of the RSFSR, their conservation and reproduction. (Mater. For Red Data Book)]. M. 54. TsNIL. PP on p.55.
Tochiev, T.Yu., Gizatullin, I.I. 1988. Malyi baklan v Checheno-Ingushskoi ASSR [The Pygmy Cormorant in Chechen-Ingushetian ASSR]. // Resursy redkikh zhivotnykh RSFSR, ikh okhrana i vosproizvodstvo (Materialy k Krasnoi knige) [Resources of rare animals of the RSFSR, their conservation and reproduction (Materials for Red Data Book)]. M. P.55.
Belik, V.P. 1989. Antropicheskiy faktor v rasselenii i gnezdovanii bolshogo baklana na Nizhnem Donu [The anthropical factor in the resettlement of the Great cormorant nesting on the Lower Don]. // Ekol. problemy Stavropol. kraya i sopredelnykh territoriy [Ecological Problems of the Stavropol Territory and adjoining areas]: Tez. dokl. kraev. nauch.-prakt. konf. [Abstracts of Local Scient.-Res. Conf.], 4-6 okt., 1989. Stavropol. P.156-159.
Mikheev, A.V. 1989. Vidimyi dnevnoi prolet baklanov i pelikanov vdol zapadnogo poberezh'ya Kaspijskogo morya [Visible diurnal migration of cormorants and pelicans along the western shore of the Caspian Sea]. // Ekologicheskie problemy Stavroopolskogo kraya i sopredelnykh territoriy [Ecological problems of Stavropol Territory and adjoining territories]. Abstracts of reg. Scient.-pract. conf., 4-6.10.89. Stavropol. 238-249. Tabl.7.
Khokhlov, A.N. 1990. Malyi baklan [Pygmy Cormorant] // Itogi izucheniya redkikh zhivotnykh [Results of study of rare animals]. M. P.74.
Kunichenko, A.A. 1990. Raspredelenie i chislennost malogo baklana v Moldove [Distribution and number of the Pygmy Cormorant in Moldova]. // Materialy 10-i Vsesoyuznoi ornitol. konf. [Materials of the 10th All-Union Orn. Conf.],Book 2. Part 2. Minsk, Navuka i tekhnika. P.3-4.
Buzun, V.A., Grinchenko, A.B. 1991. O gnezdyashchikhsya ptitsakh Oisul'skikh plavnei, malom baklane, ogare i peganke v Krymu [About nesting birds of themOysul lagoon: Phalacrocorax pygmaeus, Casarca ferruginea and Tadorna tadorna in the Crimea]. // Redkie ptitsy Prichernomor'ya [Rare birds of the Black Sea coastal area]. Kiev-Odessa, "Lybid'". Pp.182-193. PP on p.189-190.
Nikiforov, M.Ye. 1993. Gnezdovaya ekspansiya bolshogo baklana (Phalacrocorax carbo) v sovmestnoi kolonii s seroi tsaplei (Ardea cinerea) [The nesting colony of the Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) in the joint colony with the Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea)]. // Okhranyaemye zhivotnye Belarusi [Protected animals of Belarus]. Issue 3. Minsk. P.26-27.
Mordvinov Y.E. 1993. [Flight kinematics and morphological peculiarities of Phalacrocorax pelagicus and Phalacrocorax urile in comparison with other waterfowl.] Ekologiya Morya, 43: 51-56
Lysenko, V.I. 1994. Phalacrocorax pygmaeus (Pallas, 1773). // Chervona knyga Ukrainy. Tvarinnyi svit [Red Data Book of Ukraine. Animals]. Kyiv, "Ukrains'ka entsiklopediya". P.307. Bibl.5 titl. In Ukrainian. Ossipov, D., Gaginskaya, A. 1994. The Bolshoi Fiskar Archipelago - not yet protected, but should be. // WWF Baltic Bulletin 5: 27-28. In Engl.
Gaginskaya, A.R. 1995. The Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo as a breeding species of the Leningrad Region. // Russ. ornit. zhurnal [Russ. J. Ornithol.]. 4 (3/4): 93-96. In Engl. with Russ. summ.
Biryukov, V.P., Dorofeev, A.M. 1997. Bolshoi baklan (Phalacrocorax carbo L.) - novyi gnezdyashchiysya vid Belorusskogo Poozer'ya [The Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo L. - new nesting species of the Byelorussian Poozer'ie] // Vesnik Bitsebskaga dzyarzh. un-tya [Bulletin of the Vitebsk State University]. N3(5). P.108-109.
Biryukov, V.P., Dorofeev, A.M., Zakharova, G.A. 1997. Gnezdovanie bolshogo baklana v ornitologicheskom zakaznike "Snudy" [The Great Cormorant breeding in the ornithological game reserve "Snudy"] // Okhranyaemye prirodnye territorii i ob'ekty Belorus. Poozer'ya: sovr. sostoyanie, perspektivy razvitiya: Tez. konf. [Protected natural territories and objects of Belarus: modern status, prospects of development: Abstracts]. Vitebsk. P.39-40.
Samusenko, I., Nikiforov, M., Kozulin, A. 1997. Status of the cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo in Belarus: distribution and population trends. // Ekologia polska. 45, N1. P.119-121. In English.
Zav'yalov, Ye.V., Tabachishin, V.G. 1997. Bolshoi baklan Phalacrocorax carbo v Saratovskoi oblasti [The Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo in the Saratov Region]. // Russ. Ornit. Zhurnal [Russ. J. of Ornithol.]. Express-issue 24: 18-19.
Beskaravainyi, M.M., Kostin, S.Yu. 1998. [Distribution, numbers and some peculiarities of the breeding ecology of the Shag and the Herring Gull in the South-Eastern Crimea]. // Berkut. 7 (1-2). 25-29. Tabl.2. Bibl. 7 titl. In Russ. with Engl. summ.
Gerasimov, N.N. 1999. [Pelagic Cormorant Phalacrocorax Cormorant Phalacrocorax pelagicus on the Karaginsky Island]. // The biology and conservation of the birds of Kamchatka. Moscow, 1: 83-86. In Russ. with Engl. summ. Tabl.1. Bibl. 15 titl.
Vetrov V.V. 2001. Cormorant is a breeding species of Lugansk region. Berkut, 10 (2): 195. [The Cormorant was formerly only a vagrant and migrating species in the region. In 2000 and 2001 a pair bred on a fish pond near Stanichno-Luganske]. [In Russian].
Year ?
Vasil'yev, V.I. K biologii malogo baklana v Azerbaidzhane [On biology of the Pygmy Cormorant in Azerbaijan] // Izv. AN AzSSR. Ser. biol. nauk [Proc. Ac.of Sc. of Azerb SSR. Ser. biol. sc.]. N5/6. P.90-93: ill.
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by S. Volponi