WI - Cormorant Research Group | News | updated on 14-03-2012 |
Cormorant News
from Europe
Albania - Belarus - Belgium - Bulgaria - Croatia - Czech Republic - Denmark - Estonia - European Union - Finland - France - Germany - Greece - Hungary - Iceland - Italy - Latvia - Lithuania - Malta - Norway - Poland - Portugal - Rumania - Russia - Slovenia - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - The Netherlands - Ukraine - United Kingdom - Yugoslavia
from outside Europe
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[BE2] [01.03.02] La problématique "Cormoran" en Wallonie et en Europe: vieux démons, nouvelle solutions ? Par J-Y. Paquet. [.pdf]
[BE1] [18.01.02] Preliminary distribution and abundance of Great cormorant breeding within Flanders, Belgium.
Report on the adoption of a European Cormorant Management Plan to minimise the increasing impact of cormorants on fish stocks, fishing and aquaculture EU Parliament motion (2008/2177(INI))
[EU3] Conserving Biodiversity Interdisciplinary Initiative to Reduce pan-European Cormorant-Fisheries Conflicts. The INTERCAFE Cost Action. [March 2005]
[EU2] Integrated management of European Wetlands. The IMEW project final report. [March 2005]
[EU1] Reducing the conflict between Cormorants and Fisheries on a pan-European scale. The REDCAFE project. [October 2001]
[FIN1] Trends in Finland's cormorant population. Pekka Rusanen, Markku Mikkola-Roos and Timo Asanti. Finnish Environment Institute, PO Box 140, 00251 Helsinki, Finland. [08.12.2000]
[D1] New release: Der Kormoran (Phalacrocorax carbo) im Spannungsfeld zwischen Naturschutz und Teichbewirtschaftung. Sächsische Landesstiftung Natur und Umwelt. Marz 2002. Pp. 1-115.
[D2] Nessing R. 2010. Cormorants recovered in the Baltic area (in German) - Zur Herkunft der Kormorane Phalacrocorax carbo in der Wismarbucht/Mecklenburg anhand von Ringfunden.
[GR1] Study of Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo populations breeding and wintering in Greece. Liordos Vasilios & Vassilis Goutner. (Poster at the 5th European Cormorant Conference, Freising - Germany 2000)
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[IT8] [02.01.2006] Il cormorano in Provincia di Trento. [.pdf]
[IT7] [26.10.2004] Sulla questione dei cormorani. Documenti del consiglio direttivo dell'Unione Nazionale Pescatori a Mosca. [.pdf]
[IT6] [13.01.2002] Cormorani, si torna a sparare. Di: Paride Dioli Il Giorno Sondrio
[IT5] [01.02.2001] Cormorani, 3 miliardi persi in due anni. Di: Michele Casalini La Nazione
[IT4] [28.11.2000] Cormorani nel mirino. Di: Paride Dioli Il Giorno
[IT3] [21.03.2001] Cormorani, piaga del fiume. Di: Michele Azzimonti Il Giorno
[IT2] [03.03.2000] Cabras, chiude la caccia ai cormorani [link]. Di: Elia Sanna "Unione Sarda"
[IT1] [15.01.2000] Cormorani, vincono i pescatori [link]. Di: Elia Sanna "Unione Sarda"
[LATVIA1] Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) and fish farms.
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[PL1] [29.01.2002] "Fatal taste" On 5 Dec 2000 the fishermen Jozef Rocki found near Dziekanow (537 km of the Vistula River) a dead cormorant with ca. 1 kg Pike-perch in the mouth. The fish was the reason of cormorants death. [In Polish].
[SLO1] [03.03.2000] Govedic M. 2001. Prehrana kormorana (Phalacrocorax carbo) na obmocju reke Save od Ljubljane do Zagorja (Slovenija). Dipl. delo. Ljubljana, Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehnika fakulteta, Odd. za biologijo. NO XIII, 115 p., 29 tab., 18 graph, 4 fig., 258 ref. - [Diets of cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo) in region of Sava river between Ljubljana and Zagorje (Slovenia)]. Graduation Thesis, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
[SLO2] [03.05.2005] Cormorani, anche in Slovenia i pescatori ne chiedono la riduzione. LUBIANA - La Federazione slovena dei pescatori professionisti ha aperto la lotta ai cormorani. In questi giorni i pescatori hanno protestato nei confronti dell'Agenzia nazionale per l'Ambiente che ha stabilito il numero di cormorani che possono venir abbattuti quest'anno. La cifra di 144 è troppo bassa rispetto alla popolazione di cormorani presente in Slovenia. E' proprio questo dato sulla popolazione che trova in contrasto la Federazione dei pescatori con la DOPPS (Associazione per lo studio e l'osservazione degli uccelli della Slovenia). Secondo i pescatori ci sono attualmente in Slovenia oltre 4000 cormorani, mentre secondo Tomaz Jancar, direttore del DOPPS i cormorani sarebbero circa 2500. I pescatori chiedono all'Agenzia di riconfermare la cifra dello scorso anno quando vennero abbattuti 500 volatili. Le loro motivazioni sono plausibili in quanto i cormorani stanno annientando le specie ittiche del Tremolo e del Naso (lungo l'Isonzo). In particolare nei confronti di quest'ultima specie che è stata immessa nelle acque dell'Isonzo per favorirte la pesca sportiva e che sta diventando una specie minacciata (in Italia presente solo nel Friuli Venezia Giulia). Dal monitoraggio compiuto negli ultimi anni è stata registrata una notevole crescita del numero di cormorani dal 1993 ad oggi con la presenza quasi raddoppiata. Per avere un'evidenza più vicina alla realtà il DOPPS ha svolto a metà gennaio una nuova azione di monitoraggio per contare i cormorani in un'area comprendente 14 località nelle quali è presente in maggior numero. I risultati non sono ancora completi e verranno resi noti tra breve. Intanto l'Associazione dei pescatori chiede al governo di stilare un Decreto che fissi il numero dei cormorani da abbattere annualmente per il periodo 2006-2010 e che stabilisca l'esecutore di queste battute di caccia. Secondo i pescatori il cormorano non può venir ritenuta specie a rischio e protetta dalla Convenzione di Berna sulla tutela delle razze a rischio (firmata nel 1979). Il DOPPS propone ai pescatori di trovare una via di collaborazione abbattendo i cormorani solamente nelle aree pescose più a rischio, aree che gli stessi pescatori. In Friuli Venezia Giulia l'anno scorso sono stati abbattuti legalmente circa 700 cormorani. Quest'anno i piani di abbattimento sono stati sospesi per studiare meglio il fenomeno. [Flavio Forlani - Il Gazzettino]
[SE5] [02.02.2006] The Great -Cormorant in Sweden. Population growth and management: a modeling approach. Post PhD project proposal by Karine Weir - The Beijer International Institute of Ecological Economics.
[SE4] [03.02.2003] Great Cormorants wintering in Sweden: an index of populations trend from the Wetlands International Waterbirds Counts. Reports by Leif Nilsson.
[SE3] Cormorant or Fishermen - Who is Threatened? A report on the conflict in Lake Hjälmaren central, southern Sweden.
[SE2] The ecology and effects of the Great cormorant on fish and fishing [link]. By: Henri Engström. Fiskeriverket Rapport 1:1998 (5-29) (In Swedish with English summary).
[SE1] [22.06.2001] Current information on the Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis in Sweden [link]. By: Henri Engström.
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[CH2] The Wildlife & Landscape Management Unit
of the Zurich University carried out a project where measures to
minimise damage on fishing nets caused by cormorants were tested
in a lowland lake in Switzerland. The full report is available on
the website of the Federal Office for the Environment http://www.bafu.admin.ch/dokumentation/medieninformation
[CH1] [22/10/2001] Première nidification d'un couple de Cormorans en Suisse / First breeding of Great cormorant in Switzerland. Nos Oiseaux 6/8/2001. [link - .pdf]
[UK6] [25.06.2003] By S. Nelson and J. Hughes: how to distinguish between carbo and sinsensis is of interest interest to anyone trying to identify the two European Great Cormorant subspecies within their area of overlap (which now is pretty much the whole of England).Cambridgeshire Bird Club Bulletin.
[UK5] [04.04.2003] Cormorant. In: Breeding Birds in the Wider Countryside: their conservation status 2001. BTO Research Report No. 278. BTO, Thetford.
[UK4] [04.04.2002] Cormorants: the facts. By the Moran Committee. [.pdf]
[UK3] [29.07.2001] Big greedy British cormorants: where do they come from? By: Stuart Piertney. [link - .pdf]
[UK2] [29.07.2001] Cormorants at Paxton Pits. [link - .pdf]
[UK1] [22.02.2001] News from the Abberton Reservoir. Graham Ekins, UK Cormorant Colour-ring Coordinator, Boreham, Essex, UK.
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[YU1] [23.06.2001] Survey of Heron and Cormorant colonies in Serbia 1998 [link]. Puzovic S., Gergelj J. & Lukac .
[BAH1] [01.08.2001] A working visit to Havar. Aerial photo mosaic of Socotra Cormorant colony and an estimate of numbers. By Howard King. [.pdf].
[BR1] [09.04.2002] Space distribution of the Phalacrocorax brasilianus for occupation levels on the branches of the trees of the São Lourenço Park, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil. By Tayla Coelho Gonçalves de Oliveira & Leny Cristina Milléo Costa.
[CA1] [10.12.2002] Cormorant Research and Monitoring. The Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) is undertaking a five-year cormorant program to monitor the potential negative impact of the growing population of double-crested cormorants on local fish stocks, wildlife populations, habitat and vegetation.
[INDIA1] [18.01.2002] Finding of two Great cormorants ringed in China. In December 1999 and January 2000, Suresh Kumar recovered two rings of Great Cormorant from the north eastern state of Arunachal Pradesh, India. The rings were collected from local people who had killed the birds for food. Another ring >was recovered from West Bengal state in April 2000 by a researcher from the Bombay Natural History Society. All the ringed birds where from Quinghai Hu lake in China and were ringed by the National Bird Banding Center in June 1999. The ring recovered localities are approx. 1200 kms (straight line distance) from the ringing the site.
[ISR1] [29.3.2000] Pygmy cormorants raised in captivity [link]. By: Liat Collins "The Jerusalem Post".
United States of
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[USA1] [29.07.2001] Cormorant Management in New York. [link - .pdf]
[USA2] [18.09.2001] Balancing act: Managing cormorants in upstate New York. Farquhar J.F. III. New York State Conservationist (August 2001).
[USA3] [18.09.2001] Wildlife damage resource now online. The Internet Center for Wildlife Damage Management was designed to be a forum for ideas, techniques and issues; establish a deposit of science-based resources; and coordinate research and extension efforts in the growing wildlife damage management field.
[USA4] [18.09.2001] Cormorants to kill for. McCombie B. Outdoor Life, 1999, 203(2): 20-22.
[USA5] [19.09.2001] Cormorant management In the Northeast. Workshop report. Glens Falls, New York. January 13-15, 1998. [link]
[USA6] [23.10.2001] Newcastle disease in cormorants. After: CCWHC Newsletter Volume 4 No 2 - Winter 1996.
[USA7] [23.10.2001] Avian Cholera in Double-Crested Cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritius). After: CCWHC Newsletter Volume 5 Number 3 - Winter 1998
[USA8] [23.01.2002] Cormorant Disturbance Project Announced For Oneida Lake. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Division of Fish, Wildlife and Marine Resources (press release: Sept. 1, 1998).
[USA9] [07.03.2002] Cormorants may lose in conflict over fish. By Environmental News Network
[USA10] [March 2009] Natural Histrory - To Kill a Cormorant. Are double-crested cormorants overrunning their niche - or recovering from centuries of suppression? by Richard J. King
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by S. Volponi